You Need Help, We All Do & It’s OK — Amlesh Ranjan
It is a fact that this unprecedented and relentlessly ongoing health and humanity crisis has brought our global community to the edge.
Continuously hitting at our sense of hope, the dark clouds of despair have triggered the tsunami of anxiety and stress, all through the globe.
The never before, loss of lives and livelihoods appear to have directly or indirectly touched every single person on our planet.
The magnitude is such that you would not have been untouched; you may be having your own losses, sorrows, struggles, challenges, and disappointments, and you need help. Actually, one way or the other, each one of us have suffered / are suffering and we need help.
Help Is Integral To The Very Existence Of Our Universe
Even though, apparently it looks, as if, everything in our universe is an independent entity but if you look closely, everything is dependent on other for continuity and even survival.
Be it the constellations in our Sky, the food chain on our Earth, or the Society/Community mode of Humanity, dependence is at the core, and thus, interdependence is one of the immutable laws of our being.
Seek or not, everything is helped through, as it has been coded through the evolution.
Help Is One Of The Biggest Realities Of Our Everyday Life
Think of it, every single sphere of your life, personal, social, or professional, can you really live or function without being helped?
No, you can’t. Your family members fulfill your need for love, care, companionship…. Your friends and acquaintances fulfill your need for camaraderie, sense of society/community, belongingness…. Your colleagues/managers fulfill your need for productivity, accomplishment, growth….
Consciously or unconsciously, You are being helped through, every single moment and day in your life.
Who Amongst Us Needs Help And What Help Is Needed
All of us need help, but some of us, owing to some situations or circumstances, need it more than others at that point in time.
The times that we live in, we have issues and challenges that we grapple with and it may result in Anxiety, Restlessness, Stress, Depression….
In our Life or Career, there can be events or phases which test our ability to cope up with resilience. There can be emotional or competency gaps which need support and reinforcement.
Help can be taken for Emotional, Psychological, Behavioral, Skill, Competency, Health, Wellbeing, Spiritual….
It can be Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring, Yoga, Congregation, Training, Workshop, Retreat…. Options are many as per the need.
Why We Ignore The Need For And Do not Seek Help
There are number of reasons, why we shy away from seeking help — Fear of appearing Weak; Stigma of others knowing about it; Lack of awareness on what/who can help; It will make me Dependent…. the list goes on and on.
One interesting observation is on the staunch belief of self-care / self-sufficiency, but a researcher wrote insightfully in Psychology Today — “With all this emphasis on self-help, we can lose sight of the importance of a basic principle of self-care — seeking help from others when help is needed.”*
We, most of us have been managing things on our own. Be it emotional or behavioral or competency, we keep believing that eventually, we will manage. But someone was spot on in saying — “Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.”
Whom We Can Consider Approaching and Seek Their Help
Yes, we can manage and cope up on our own and most do that but think, can we only reach out to someone in our own internal spheres or should we seek help from an external Counsellor or Coach or Mentor or Trainer or Preacher who can support us.
The expert and outside-in perspective can be impactful and sustained.
Based on the behavioral or emotional issue/s being grappled with, one can go to a Psychiatrist and or a Psychologist.
Yoga and Meditation Instructors can be of great help in holistic improvement of wellbeing.
Other forms of Health improving Exercises/Routines can be helped through by expert trainers.
Coaching and Mentoring is a great resource for addressing challenges or improving the current state of career/business.
Executive, Business or Leadership Coaches and Mentors are of big support. Even Life, Wellness and Happiness Coaches can come in to make a difference.
Sharing an apt and popular quote from The Bible — “….Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek, and you will Find; Knock, and the Door will be Opened to you. For Everyone who Asks Receives; he Who Seeks Finds; and to him Who Knocks, the Door will be opened.…”
The times, whether good or bad, the need, whether to address an issue or to bring about improvement, let’s not shy away from seeking help.
Accept the reality, You Need Help, We All Do & It’s OK.
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Note: Simultaneously published as an article:
DISCLAIMER: Views expressed are personal.