As you reflect on the past year, set your intentions for the New Year 2023 with 10 Self Reflection questions from 2022:
1. What accomplishments am I proud of this year?
2. What was one of the biggest, most pleasant surprises I experienced?
3. What are the five things I’m most grateful for this year?
4. How did I grow in this past year?
5. What were the biggest struggles I faced this year? What did they teach me?
6. Who will I connect with more in the year ahead?
7. What kind of leader, peer, friend, or partner do I want to be?
8. Where was I five years ago and where am I now?
9. What are the three things I want to achieve this coming year? How can I build a system that allows me to achieve them?
10. What’s one thought I’m currently holding on to that’s not serving my well-being? Why am I holding onto it and what empowering affirmations can I replace it with?