3 Ways To Reignite Your Learning
-Amlesh Ranjan
We, as human race, have evolved from Stone to Bronze to Iron age through learning. Ours, the uniquely gifted race in Animal kingdom, could observe, experience, evaluate, analyze and create to keep taking leaps through the years and the centuries. Clearly, it’s our ability to learn which has brought us this far and it is our continued learning which is taking us, further ahead. And when, I say, learning, it includes un-learning and re-learning in the same continuum.
What about us, as individuals. Am sure, you will attribute your progress, position, prosperity to your learning and you will also credit the learnings, right from your birth, for becoming the person that you are today and, also the person that you will evolve into tomorrow and day after. We, the living entities are learning bodies which stays, consciously or, sub-consciously on a journey of continuous learning all through our lives.
While, the natural learning instinct is always on and we all want to continue to learn, we face ‘Learning Block”. So, how do we reignite our learning. To me, there has been 3 ways –
LEARN FROM ALL: Buddha told, “Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn…”. Each person, associated with us in our personal, social and professional life can add to our learning. The mother nature is possibly the biggest teacher of them all, we just need to observe. All the situations that we navigate through, can enrich us with critical learnings. Let’s learn from all.
LEARN SOMETHING NEW: Pablo Picasso said, “I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it”. When we try do something that we have not done earlier or, better still, something that has never been done before, we are firing all our learning instincts to it’s maximum. And this new can be in any part of our life, even a new game. Doing so will not just add something new to us, it will influence our learnings in other parts also.
SHARE THE LEARNING: There is a Roman saying, “By learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn”. This was affirmed further by Joseph Joubert in early 18th century, “To teach is to learn twice”. This, to me, has been the biggest accelerator of my learning. When we share our learning with an individual or, with a group or, in a conference, we enhance our own learning first. Any presentation or, teaching strengthens our own understanding and adds to us.
Let me share some of my instances. Years back, when two headquarters were suggested to me, I chose the one with a different language and culture, the challenges made me a better Manager. Later, when two positions were presented to me, I chose the newly created one, it added tremendously to me as a professional. Yet again, another newly created function came my way, I lapped it up, it further strengthened me. When an international industry academic forum approached me to come and deliver a talk to a global audience, I accepted despite not being sure and ready, it boosted my confidence and I have not stopped presenting since then. Of course, it helps, that my assessments always list Learner as one of the key strengths, my learning journey has been truly relentless and very, very rewarding
Alexandre Dumas wrote, “One’s work may be finished someday but one’s education, never”. Let us pledge together to be Life Long Learners by Learning from All; Taking up the New & Sharing Around. Let us commit to Learn, Share, Learn…
Disclaimer: Views expressed are personal.