Let’s Build First, A Culture of Health

Amlesh Ranjan
3 min readJul 25, 2021

- Amlesh Ranjan

First, A Culture of Health — Amlesh Ranjan………….image by Author

Yes, we need a hugely improved healthcare infrastructure; we need many more healthcare professionals; we need health solutions for our un-met medical needs, and the pandemic has established that beyond doubt…..

…..but what we need First, is A Culture of Health. Please read on to see what I mean.

WHO mentions, “Self-care recognizes individuals as active agents in managing their own health…”*

…and rightly so, and I believe A Culture of Health is sure needed at an individual level, but it is also needed at Family, Community, Society, Corporate and National levels, sharing the same.

A Culture of Health at an Individual level means that we are being responsible for our own health; observing cleanliness; balancing our life; adopting mental wellness practices; eating healthy foods; doing physical exercises; undergoing regular check-ups; consulting a doctor; managing the disease condition.

A Culture of Health at Family level means that we are co-inculcating healthy habits and practices in our everyday life.

A culture of Health at Community level means that the influencers propagate the importance of health and how it affects each other.

A Culture of Health at Society level means that we make health a collective social responsibility to support each other in being and staying healthy.

A Culture of Health at the Corporate level means that we make health an integral part of being and doing, enhancing employee wellness benefits even further.

A Culture of Health at the National level means that the government accords it a top priority in policy making & budgeting while continuously driving civic sense.

This means, we need to keep striving together towards Total Health where all aspects of health — Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, and even Spiritual are taken care of for every citizen of our World by A Culture of Health at individual, family, community, social, corporate and government level.

The ‘Preamble of WHO’s constitution’** enumerates all the aspects and importance of health (I am sharing the image below). You will find its reflection in all that I have written above.

Quoting from above— “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

WHO has also fore-warned us about healthcare catastrophe, which I shared in one of my articles*** 10 months before the pandemic —

“The threat ahead is so big that if it is not taken care of, it can wipe out substantial part of our progresses and gains on all other fronts. The task ahead is so enormous that the international agencies and the governments cannot handle on their own and hence, the onus is on all stakeholders in the system.”

Yes, unfortunately, the pandemic has proven the above true. Onus is on us as Citizens, Leaders, Influencers that we take collective responsibility towards better healthcare infrastructure, resources & solutions, but….

Let’s Build First, A Culture of Health….We Owe it to Ourselves.

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Reference: *. https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2021/06/23/default-calendar/self-care-month **. https://www.who.int/bulletin/archives/80(12)981.pdf ***. https://amleshranjan.medium.com/healthcare-is-first-a-responsibility-we-look-for-a-sense-of-purpose-and-meaning-in-all-that-we-befd4c7de853



Amlesh Ranjan
Amlesh Ranjan

Written by Amlesh Ranjan

Executive Coach II Work-Life Harmonization II New Growth Maximization II Organization/Leadership Development II EQ Assessor II Facilitator II Speaker II Author

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