Co-creation Of Value In Healthcare

Amlesh Ranjan
5 min readApr 19, 2021

The Imperative, The Application, The Roadmap — Amlesh Ranjan

Value is unarguably the most important currency of all times. Be it individuals, or the organizations, the Value, you create or add determines your worth.

Think of it, ‘History of civilization is actually the quest towards better and higher Value’.

I am sure, you will agree, all Brands and Businesses essentially come into existence, survive, and thrive on the Premise of Value that they Promise to Deliver to the Consumers.

Healthcare is no different, and , be it Providers, Payors or Pharma, Consumerism has been an established reality for all in Life Sciences.

We know, ‘Co-creation of Value’ implies that, ‘The Enterprise join hands together with the Consumers in creating and delivering the promised/desired Value’. And rightly so, after all it is ‘Experience Economy & Consumers have a Say’.

While lot of Co-creation of value examples are there in healthcare & pharma because of the virtual world’s information access and the resultant empowerment; the ongoing pandemic has made it a must for all the Life Sciences organizations.

Let’s look at the Evolution of Co-creation:

>>1975: Edward Matchett’s book, Creative Action, published by Turnstone Books, hinted at Co-Creation

>> 1988: Jack Martin Leith experiences Open Space Technology for the first time and adopts it as a method for organisations to use as a co-creation tool

>> 1994: In The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, co-author Bryan Smith introduces his Tell–Sell–Test–Consult–Co-create model

>> 2000: In their Harvard Business Review article, Co-opting Customer Competence, C. K. Prahalad and Venkat Ramaswamy write about co-creating with customers

>> 2004: Prahalad and Ramaswamy develop their arguments further in The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers, published by Harvard Business School Press.

I Acknowledge my article is completely based on their outstanding work and contribution in co-creation of value.

With the above in perspective, presenting ‘Co-creation of Value in Healthcare’ through the lenses of The Imperative, The Application, & The Roadmap.


C.K. Prahalad & Venkat Ramaswamy, in their book, ‘The Future Of Competition’, wrote, “Customers are now active participants who actually Co-create the Value they receive.”

Decades of market-place transformation have ensured that Consumer Decision Participation is the norm, and Co-creation is a given.

Businesses and society are often a reflection of each other. What we see happening in business actually happens first in the society.

The Societal changes towards ‘Experience Economy’ were reported way back in 1992 by Kilde: Schultze in Die Erlebnisgesellschaft.

They pointed out the transformation from ’External oriented motifs of the PRODUCTION society’ towards ‘Internal oriented motifs of the EXPERIENCE society’.

They mentioned Primary objectives in life has moved from obtaining external material things to getting more, better, and more intensive experiences and it is here that the need and expectation for a place at the decision table, and the place of creation for the end consumer comes.

Healthcare has not been different. Industrial Age Medicine transitioned into Information Age Healthcare and ensuing information transparency and patient empowerment meant that the end consumers, the patients must have a place at the decision table. And that necessitated the co-creation imperatives in healthcare.


Jack Martin Leith, in ‘Leith’s guide to Co-Creation Version 18’ wrote about the 4 applications of co-creation:

1. Innovation: Bringing into being something new that generates stakeholder value

2. Change: Bringing about a shift from the existing state of affairs to the desired state of affairs

3. Problem Solving: Eliminating a malfunction so that things are restored to full working order

4. Development: Unlocking potential by leveraging existing assets, or by acquiring new assets

Let’s revisit the Concept of Co-creation- joint creation of value by company & customer; Value creation through personalized experience; Joint problem definition & problem solving; Dialogue / Interaction as the basis for co-creation; From Products to Solutions to Experiences; Customer-centric to Network centric logic.

Co-creation- Harnesses Knowledge, Wisdom & Creativity of all; More Commitment for implementing the plan; Results are much are much more likely to be Sustainable; More Value generated for more people; More Fulfilling way of working.

So, What is the Desired Value in Healthcare? Knowledge; Communication; Information; Integrated cycle of care; Solutions/Activities meeting needs; Compliance; Outcomes; Clinical value; Health sustainability.

One can clearly see the application potential of co-creation of value in healthcare.

Let’s see the Evidence of Co-creation of Value in Healthcare?

> …emphasizes the role of the customer in the medical service delivery 1

> Reduced cost and increased efficiency of the process…. 2

> The customer taking some responsibility for the outcome... 3

> Improve health care outcomes and Increased trust and commitment.. 4

> Recognizes that the customer engages in activities (practices) and that value (to the customer) is embedded in these practices… 5

> Value is created through joint activities of providers and customers but also through the activities of others in the networks….6

1. Roter et al 1988; 2. Jayawardhena and Foley 2000; 3. Auh et al. 2007; Bitner 1990; Dellande, Gilly and Graham 2004; 4. Veranec 1999; McStravic 2000; Michie, Miles and Weinman 2003; Ouschan, Sweeney and Johnson 2006; 5. Payne et al 2008; 6. McColl-Kennedy et al 2009


The Elements of Co-creation of Value -

> DIALOGUE: Interactivity, Deep Engagement, Empathetic understanding

> ACCESS: Information, On-demand resources, Value chain connect

> RISK-BENEFIT: Disclosure, Debate the trade-off, Sharing Responsibility

> TRANSPARENCY: Reduced opaqueness, Transfer understandings

The Partnership Pathway for Co-creation of Value -

> TRUST (Transparency + Risk-Benefit): Disclose risk and debate with consumers; Reduce opaqueness of the pricing, financials, etc.

> CHOICE (Access + Transparency): Enhance Consumer’s ability to make informed choices; Give understanding with shared options and freedom to chose

> COMMUNITY: (Dialogue + Access): Enhance ability to develop thematic communities; Create engagement and connect with the value chain.

> INNOVATION: (Risk-Benefit + Dialogue): Enable to develop alternative policy choices; Facilitate risk assessment based trade-off leading to new practices.

The Capability & Contribution for Co-creation of Value in Healthcare-

> Knowledge: Ecosystem, Technical & Commercial

> Pharmaco-economic understanding & approach

> Strategic Influencing and Partnership abilities

> Sense of Healthcare system & network

> Managed care fluency and integration

> Building Communities — on web / real

This article is based on my talk given 10 years back at SFE Europe & Commercial Excellence, Dusseldorf. I looked into the future of Pharma and it came so true. I believe, it’s even more relevant for the coming 10 years.

As the eminent Management Thinker, Leandro Herrero told me after my presentation. “Co-creation of Value is a Noble Goal’.

The ongoing un-precedented healthcare crisis times make it incumbent upon each one of us in Life Sciences topursue the Trust, Choice, Community & Innovation for creating and adding the Healthcare value, the Co-creation way.


o Talk slides:



Amlesh Ranjan
Amlesh Ranjan

Written by Amlesh Ranjan

Executive Coach II Work-Life Harmonization II New Growth Maximization II Organization/Leadership Development II EQ Assessor II Facilitator II Speaker II Author

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