Breath & Balance: The 8 Fold Path of Yoga
The pandemic altered world makes it incumbent upon each one of us to take care of our and each other’s health and well-being.
My time at ‘The Yoga Institute’ gave me clarity about yoga for health and wellbeing. Rigorous physical practices combined with wisdom from Vedas, Vedanta, and Upanishad strengthened conviction.
With gratitude to TYI, on ‘International Yoga Day’, I am putting across my learning and thoughts for you.
Maharshi Patanjali interpreted Vedic wisdom into 'Ashtang Yoga', an 8-fold path to Holistic Health & Well-being.
YAMAS: MORAL CONDUCT- Ahimsā- Non-violence; Satyā- Non-lying; Aprigrahā — Non-greed. It includes Brahmcharyā, which means Non-wastage of vital energy.
NIYAMAS: PERSONAL CONDUCT- Sauchā- Purity; Santoshā- Contentment; Swadhyayā- Self-study; Tapā- Discipline; Ishwarā Pranidhanā- Surrender.
ASANAS: PHYSICAL POSTURES- sitting/standing/lying body poses- balancing, bending, inverting, twisting, stretching with complete awareness of breathing
PRANAYAM: BREATH CONTROL- conscious inhalation, retention, expansion, exhalation, suspension for attaining optimum flow of the Life Energy.
PRATYAHARA: WITHDRAWAL OF SENSES- build/heighten the Inner Awareness
DHARANA: FOCUS- holding unwavering concentration on one object- Still Mind
DHYANA: MEDITATION- undistracted/contemplative concentration- attention-state of being- you don’t meditate, you become meditative- Mindfulness
SAMADHI: UNION- merge in deep absorption with self, object, divine- Blissful
The times today require that each one of us take care of ourselves and all others, and the 8 fold path of Yoga is such a powerful way for the same.
In 1948, the WHO mentioned — “Health is the state of complete physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
The goal is ‘Total Health’, and ancient Vedic wisdom & practices of YOGA become so valuable.
Through Breath & Balance, Yoga works on Mind, Body & Soul, raising awareness while harmonising the vital systems and organs of the body.
I would say,
“Yoga, as a conscious way of life and practice, is an everyday journey to ourselves, and the work within that enhances our spiritual, emotional, mental, social and physical wellbeing.”
Let us pledge to make Yoga, our way of life!!!
For such articles and thoughts of value, I am inviting you to please follow and prescribe to my blog. Thankyou, Amlesh.