Bathe My Soul in Colors 🎨

Amlesh Ranjan
3 min readMar 25, 2024
quote:kahlil gibran; image: amlesharanjan

Colors hold a profound significance in our lives, transcending mere aesthetics to touch the depths of our emotions and spirituality.❤️

Each hue carries its own unique energy and symbolism, influencing our moods, perceptions, and even our subconscious minds. From the calming blues of the ocean to the fiery reds of a sunset, colors have the power to evoke feelings of peace, passion, joy, and tranquillity within us. 🔶

Today, we are celebrating the vibrant festival of Holi. Also known as the festival of colors, we come together to celebrate the victory of good over evil and the ongoing spring. 💜

The essence of this joyous occasion lies in the playful splashing of colored powders and waters, creating a kaleidoscope of hues that symbolize unity, love, and new beginnings. 🔵

In Holi, the playful throwing of colors symbolizes the breaking down of barriers and the coming together of people from all walks of life. It serves as a reminder that despite our differences; we are all interconnected and part of a larger, colorful tapestry of humanity. Just as each color contributes to the beauty of a painting, each individual adds richness and diversity to the world we share. 🟧

Colors have long been associated with spiritual and philosophical meanings in various cultures around the world. Red symbolizes passion and power, yellow signifies knowledge and learning, green represents harmony and prosperity, and so on. 🩷

By immersing ourselves in these colors during festivals like Holi, we not only celebrate the richness of life but also seek blessings for a balanced and fulfilling existence. 🟨

For the title, I borrowed the words from a Kahlil Gibran quote, “Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.” 🌈

These profound words beautifully capture the essence of how colors can deeply impact our souls, elevating our spirits and enriching our lives in ways beyond the visual realm. 🟢

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it is essential to pause and reflect on the significance of colors in our lives. Just as a painter carefully selects hues to convey a certain emotion or message, we too can harness the power of colors to express ourselves, connect with others, and nourish our souls.🔷

Whether through art, fashion, or nature, let us embrace the beauty and diversity of colors around us, allowing them to inspire and uplift us in our journey through life. In my book, ‘The Penta Life’, I have captured these and many other aspects to live a full life and fulfilled life. 💛

Let us embrace the kaleidoscope of colors that surround us. Like swallowing the sunset 🌅 and drinking the rainbow, let us immerse ourselves in the beauty and vibrancy of life, finding solace and wonder in the myriad hues that paint our world.

May the festival of Holi serve as a colorful reminder of the unity, joy, and boundless possibilities that colors bring to our lives. 💚

Happy Holi Everyone❣️

The Penta Life by Amlesh Ranjan



Amlesh Ranjan

Executive & Leadership Coach/Mentor II Emotional Intelligence Assessor II Organization Development Consultant & Facilitator II Author- 'The Penta Life'