MANIFESTATIONS 2025: The 10 Empowering Affirmations for YOU!
“Such a simple concept, yet so true: that which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.”
This quote by Garth Stein aptly reminds us, what we want to manifest, hinges first on our intentions.
Few more days to go for the year 2024, and you, like most, would have looked back at the days, weeks, and months that have gone by.
Self-reflection on the year about to go by would have brought forward learnings and possibilities. You sure must be taking them forward towards the new year of your dreams and desires.
In each aspect of your life, all that you want to attain or accomplish, your own intentions are the most powerful take-off engines. And the empowering affirmations, the most potent fuel.
To Manifest 2025 of Your Dreams and Desires, here are 10 Empowering Affirmations:
1️⃣ I Accept myself for who I am.
2️⃣ I trust my Intuition to guide me.
3️⃣ I have an enormous Inner Strength.
4️⃣ I operate with Abundance Mentality.
5️⃣ I believe in and have a Growth Mindset.
6️⃣ I stay at my very best to Serve at my highest.
7️⃣ I am in Love and Harmony with myself and all.
8️⃣ I strive to Care for and Contribute with all I have.
9️⃣ I stay open to the Possibilities and New Perspectives.
🔟 I see Opportunities to grow in challenges and obstacles.
I believe these 10 empowering affirmations will help you set your intentions for 2025. You may like to add some more or update. Please do share with me and all.
In my book, ‘The Penta Life’, where I have written about 5 lives in this one life, the first life is ‘Self Life’, where intentionality and affirmations play a critical role in manifesting a happy and successful life.
While I leave you with yourself, and your intentions and affirmations, I will conclude by saying,
“Our Intentions Manifest Our World.”
Best wishes for Being Intentional and Manifesting the World that YOU Dream and Desire!
Dear Reader, I am happy that you are here with me. Inviting you to comment/share. Reach out to me on Thank you, Amlesh Ranjan
You can read part 1 of this article ’SELF REFLECTIONS 2024: 10 Questions for YOU!’ on